August 4, 2022

Emacs on Macos Monterey

Intro Got a new computer from work, this is some quick notes on how my Emacs setup looks. Run Emacs as daemon with LaunchAgent. Fetch mails periodically with mbsync via LaunchAgent. Install brew install --cask emacs brew install mu brew install isync brew install gpg brew ls --verbose emacs brew ls --verbose mu Mu4a Replace USERNAME with your info. mkdir -p ~/.mail/work ~/.mail/gmail mu init --maildir=~/.mail mu index mbsync -Va mu index Mbsync config cat ~/. Read more

July 22, 2020

Emacs Orgmode Source Code Blocks 2

Intro This is the third post in a series about Emacs Org mode and the second about source code blocks. The last post about source code blocks (blocks from now on) covered org document variables, named blocks and combining blocks. This post will focus on how and where block result output will end up. It won't cover all of the arguments and features as I don't use all of them. Read more

June 21, 2020

Emacs Org mode tables

Intro This is the second post in the serie of how I use Emacs Org mode (from now on org) and it will cover usage of org tables. Some of the content assumes basic knowledge about org. If you are new to org I can recommend this two videos; hrs and kitchin. Org tables are like spreadsheets with super powers. Tables can be used to keep information organized, as input to source blocks (more about that in the first post, "Emacs Org mode source blocks") or used in calculations. Read more

June 15, 2020

Emacs Org mode source blocks

Post updates [2020-06-23] New section. "Combine source blocks" Intro It's time to start documenting how I use Emacs Org mode (from now on org) and it will contain a serie of posts. This is the first post and it will cover source blocks. Some of the content assumes basic knowledge about org. If you are new to org I can recommend this two videos; hrs and kitchin. One of the features I've been using very frequently is source blocks. Read more

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