November 12, 2020

Wexio Lambda Session Nr1

  * Wexio Lambda Sessions nr 1

    We are happy to announce the first Wexio Lambda Session. A local
    meetup about functional programming, lisp and everything around it!

    | Place   | Remote                              |
    | Date    | 1/12                                |
    | Time    | 17:30-19:30                         |
    | Subject | Introduction to Emacs Org mode      |
    | Signup  | |

  * About this event

    We start the event series with an introduction to one of Emacs
    killer features. Emacs is a text editor and lisp environment created
    in 1976 and is still developed and heavily used. Emacs have modes
    for everything from painting, games, email, programming and for
    planning and piloting your life.

    "Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining to-do lists, planning
    projects, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate
    programming and more — in a fast and effective plain text system."

    This event will be a light introduction to Org mode. A presentation
    showing the basic features and after that a workshop that can help
    you get started. We will end with a quiz with a fine price!

    Here are a few links that are relevant.


  * About Wexio Lambda Sessions

    Wexio Lambda Sessions is realized with help and support from WLS is a place to talk, learn and share
    your passion for computer science and software development. The
    focus is around functional programming but is not strictly bound to
    that. The events will be held a number of times a year and each
    event will contain a specific topic. If you have topic suggestions
    or would like to hold an event we are very open to suggestions!

    #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :results output code
      (eval `(fn [] "See you soon!"))

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